The C4 Foundation F.R.O.G. Program is in full swing at the C4 Ranch. In February we held a successful and impactful Warrior Reset Weekend complete with breathing workshops, individual physical therapy deep tissue massage sessions, guided meditation, and Yoga for athletes. Our SEAL guests left the C4 Ranch rejuvenated and relaxed. They also provided us with amazing feedback as to the necessity of our efforts.
Coming next month, we will be holding the Spouses’ Wellness Weekend. The Wellness Weekend provides our SEAL spouses with the well-deserved opportunity to rest and decompress. Looking forward into Spring, Summer, and beyond we will be running one of our therapeutic F.R.O.G Programs every month this year so that we can serve as many SEAL families as the C4 Ranch can hold. We have some very exciting things on the horizon, including specialists in the field of breath work and recovery and stress reduction. Combined with our family retreats to the C4 Ranch and command offsites, we are well on our way to reaching our goal of 1000 SEAL families to the C4 Ranch this year. We cannot accurately express our gratitude to our C4 Foundation supporters for providing us with the opportunity to serve this community that we love so much. Thank you!

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